Daylilies M-N Daylilies with names starting with M and N Mad Max $10 Magic of Oz $20 Magic of Oz ( 2nd Image) Magic of Oz (3rd Image) Magnificent Magpie $20 HFI Mahogany Magic $10 Malachite Prism $18 Mapping Carolina HFI Mardi Gras Ball $15 Mardi Gras Beads $12 Margot Reed Indeed $22 Margo Reed Indeed (2nd Image) Marked by Lydia $10 Marked by Lydia (2nd Image) Mary Grady $20 (HFI) Mary's Gold $10 Mary's Gold (2nd Image) Mask of Darkness $ 15 Matissee $10 Maude Peacock $20 Mauna Loa $8 Medicine Feather $12 Friend (PRICELESS) Merry Monarch $20 (HFI) Merry Monarch (2nd Image) Mestopheles $10 Milk Chocolate $10 Milk Chocolate (2nd Image) Milk Chocolate (3rd image) Miss Jessie $8 Miss Jessie (2nd image) Miss Victoria $10 nr Mokan Butterfly $10 Moms Pink Divinity $12 Montana Sky $15 Moonlit Masquerade NOT AVAILABLE Moses Fire $12 Mount Echo Sunrise $10 Mountain Violet $10 (HFI) Munson Seedling $15 My World $10 Naomi Ruth $8 Nefertiti $10 Night Beacon $ 10 Nutmeg Elf $8 Leave a comment